Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Notification: Possible website re-direct problem!

This afternoon our web host deleted our redirection from www.brockjohnston.com to www.brockjohnston.com.au

This is being rectified now. If you do experience difficulty accessing our site please let us know by email: support@brockjohnston.com.au

Also remember our actual website address is officially: www.brockjohnston.com.au

Brock Johnston

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

VKG4 Wagga Wagga Commemorative Poster

This poster is "hot-off-the-press" so to speak! Well, actually it should be "hot-off-the-designer" because it hasn't been printed yet.

All photography by Brock Johnston Photographer. Design by NSW Police Fore Corporate Design Team.

Just imagine the results when your designers collaborate with Brock Johnston Photographer.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March Madness - SPECIALS!!!

Hurry, these are our best specials ever! Saving you hundreds! Call Now. 0428 697 156

Commercial Photography Trailer