Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Models Wanted!

This is the shooting season ... the light is great, the leaves are starting to fall. It's like nature is telling us to get outside and enjoy it one last time before winter sets in and we get the usual cold Wagga winter weather again.

Right now I'm looking for models to update my portfolio. I need everyone from children through to adults, male and female. In fact, if you've still got a pulse and you'd love to be photographed, then you need to call me now!

It will cost you nothing, so what have you got to loose? I'll even throw in a few images for you to keep.

Call 0428 697 156

Monday, April 20, 2009

Lake Albert ELC

Welcome to the parents of children who attend Lake Albert ELC. Brock Johnston Photographer will be on site at your school during the week, May 4-8 2009 from 8:30-10am daily.

If you have any questions about me or the photography please call me direct on 0428 697 156.

Remember to have your forms and payments in by Monday 4th May (hand these to Belinda).


PS. I've included images I took last year of pre-school children for you to have a look at!

New site goes live! Including our wedding photography gallery.

Thanks for dropping by the blog today. We are pleased to announce that the new revised website which now includes some of our wedding images has gone live. Please enjoy visiting and remember to let your friends know that I'm now available for weddings too!

Would love to hear some comments, log in and feel free to tell me what you think!


PS. Oh, do you like the new (revised logo)?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Mobile Studio Service - NOW Available!

Yes, you heard right! Brock Johnston Photographer is pleased to announce the commencement of Wagga Wagga's only mobile studio photography service. That's right, we come to you, complete with studio. I know your busy and it's always easier for you to remain on site working your business rather than loosing time visiting the studio. Please direct all enquiries to Brock Johnston on 0428 697 156. Check out the samples taken last week while shooting for WDF Professional in Wagga Wagga.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

BJP: Wedding Photography Announcement.

Brock Johnston is excited to announce that he is now available to capture your special day! That's right you'll get a dedicated professional, skilled in fashion portraiture for your wedding day, just imagine the results.

We think you're special, and we think your special day is so important not to leave the capturing of it to chance. Choose a professional, willing to go the extra mile in serving you.

For bookings call 0428 697 156 or email: