Monday, July 20, 2009

Father's Day - Sunday September 6th

Father's Day reminds me of my childhood when I'd eagerly prepare a pressie for Dad and deliver it. One year, I gave him a back scratcher he already owned BUT I'd written the words 'by Brock Johnston' on the handle! I can't believe I didn't get in trouble!

Father's Day this year is on Sunday the 6th September. We've got some great ideas for gifts with our packages starting from $75 including a free print (wow - that's $150 value for only $75).

We offer beautiful outdoor portraits of children, families, adults printed on the finest of papers and canvas'. We are also offering those cute photographs of children playing in a white box (but our white box has a BIG difference - drop in to see it sometime). The full service is available, including faming, mounting and gift wrapping if required.

Contact the studio NOW on 6925 9985 to arrange your sitting!

Located at Shop 1, 151 Fitzmaurice Street Wagga Wagga. We are Wagga's only main street studio ... deal with a professional because at Brock Johnston Photographer ... the difference is obvious!

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